Sunday, April 3, 2011

The blog I posted November 2008 - Tom Scouller's Passing

Friday, November 7, 2008

God be with you till we meet again

Meet Tom Scouller

Families can be together Forever.

Dad, Grandpa Scouller, Mom

Yesterday around 3:30 pm, I recieved a call from dad saying that Grandpa Scouller had a stroke and is in the hospital. I text the other 5 siblings to give them a heads up. It was right around Midnight that I got another phone call from dad who was in the truck waiting for the fairy to go to the hospital with mom. He called with the most tragic news, that Grandpa had passed on. With a religious perspective in mind - I know that he's in a much better place, and he's probably definatly greatful he doesn't have to take those "DARNED PILLS" ever again. He always complained about his eleven pills he had to take daily.
Last weekend we were there from Friday night to Sunday Morning. He called on us to come help take down some tree's to eliminate yard work and the mess they produced. Adam & Brandi, Stephanie & David, Jeremy, Morgan, Maggie & Boyd all spent Saturday morning and afternoon clearing tree's, stacking wood, packing, and organizing. Projects that Grandpa had around the house that he noted needed to be done. We were all so VERY tired as when we arrived the Night Owl Grandpa himself was up and alive wanting to visit and talk. Mom, Dad and him were awake till 4:30 am chatting. At the time I was so selfish thinking "all I want to do is sleep, please go to bed" Now i'm so thankful that my parents had the opportunity to share those last few hours of conversation with him. The next morning it was extremely hard to wake grandpa up. I was spoon-feeding Apple juice to him. Our original thought is that in his sleep, his blood sugar had gotten too low, and naturally his body didn't want to wake up. He just wanted to sleep. We figured that the minute the apple juice hit his blood stream he'd come too. Which he did! But I'm not sure it was the apple juice that woke him up. Grandpa had also suffered from a few passing out spells recently, and also has been noticed "extremly hard to wake up". He had gone over a full 24 hours of sleep one day two weeks ago. I find it hard to believe that juice woke him up as I think the Lord beckond him to wake up and spend the last few hours with us. It's not ironic at all that we were there that weekend. Heavenly father works in mysterious ways, and I believe that he spared Grandpa long enough for us to make our planned trip there.
Trying to wake grandpa up. You can see that i'm spoon feeding him Apple Juice
Before leaving on Saturday afternoon, grandpa took out his medical cups and called everyone to the dining room. He asked Brandi to fill each cup, and hand them out to the adults. He kept saying "Mormon Champagne" haha. At the time the family laughed and smiled and played along with Grandpa's silly idea. Dad said a prayer and blessed Grandpa's home and Thanked our Father in Heaven for the opportunity for all of us to gather together and spend time with Grandpa. We toasted and I can only think that it was Grandpa's final HARRAH to his life. A toast for all the things he's accomplished and lived for. I took some pictures of the toasting, and i'll cherish those photos all my life. It's candid moments like that you're so glad you captured later on.

I felt so guilty when My dad called me the first time, informing me of the stroke. You see - I debated going over alot. I kept thinking "they won't need my help, i'll just standing around, and i'd rather work." How terribly selfish that was. My dad would tell me that i'd be greatful later that I went. I hate to admitt it but my father was more than right. Had I not gone over last weekend...I would be kicking myself the rest of my life. When leaving with Jeremy and Morgan he tried telling my mom to not let me go. He said I was ditching him. I feel so bad for not staying, but you can't live life with regrets. Without me there, my mom was able to spend a little more personal time with her father. I've never been really close to my Grandpa Scouller due to his family circumstances...But i'm so happy i had the chance to really get to know him, love him, and be close to him the past 8 months or so. I love you Grandpa Scouller. Your Pip-Squeak misses you truely.
Grandpa Scouller with great-grandson Boyd Noble.

Grandpa Scouller with his great-grandson David Lynn Hansen

Grandpa Scouller never looked at the camera. It was so tough to get a good photo of him looking AND smiling.

I love and Miss you Grandpa!

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